Best Charity Organizations That Will Pick Up Your Furniture

By: Harrison Gough Last Updated: Jan 01, 2025

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Moving Feedback has researched some charity organizations that are ready to pick up your unwanted furniture from your home.



Salvation Army

  • Helps over 23 million Americans per year
  • International reach
  • Vetted and reputable charity
Get a Quote 800-728-7825 Read review



Vietnam Veterans

  • Committed to helping recovering veterans
  • Car donations accepted
  • Quick and easy pickup
Get a Quote 505-856-5363 Read review




  • Helps with programs for work-experience and jobs
  • Stores are a great resource for those in need
  • Over 3,000 locations nationwide
Get a Quote 800-466-3947 Read review

A move means a new start. Of course, a new start means new furniture. But what do you do with all your old stuff?

Your old furniture – assuming it’s still in good shape – can really help some folks in need. If you’re trying to downsize before your big move, it’s a great idea to donate your unneeded furniture to a qualified charity organization.

Donating your old belongings can reduce your load, help your community, and even make your move cheaper. If you’re ready to make your move more efficient (and lend a helping hand to a great cause) read on to see our top picks for the best charities that can pick up your furniture.

Moving Feedback’s Top 5 Charity Organizations

Don’t worry – you won’t have to lift a finger. There are tons of charities that can come to you, pick up your furniture, and haul it away for you. If you have furniture that’s in good shape, check out our top picks and start downsizing today:

  1. Salvation Army
  2. Vietnam Veterans of America
  3. Goodwill
  4. Habitat for Humanity
  5. Purple Heart Foundation



Salvation Army

  • Helps over 23 million Americans per year
  • International reach
  • Vetted and reputable charity

When it comes to donations, the Salvation Army is one of the first names people think of. You can go to one of their branches to donate your unwanted furniture, or you can arrange for their reps to pick it all up for you.

The Salvation Army is funded by the Salvation Army’s Family Stores. They help over 23 million Americans per year, and they have over 1.8 million members around the world. While they’re religious at their core, they don’t discriminate when it comes to who they help.

  • Helps over 23 million Americans per year
  • International reach
  • Vetted and reputable charity
  • Easy and convenient pickups
  • Over 7,000 locations nationwide


DOT#: N/A MC#: N/A


Charity Organizations




Vietnam Veterans of America

  • Committed to helping recovering veterans
  • Car donations accepted
  • Quick and easy pickup

Vietnam Veterans of America is committed to helping veterans and others who have served in harm’s way. They have chapters all over the United States, but they can also pick up your unwanted furniture and clothing so you don’t have to handle the dropoff.

When you donate to VVA, you’re directly helping current and former servicemembers find their footing and get back on track. They also have options for donating cars and leaving bequests in your will or living trust.

  • Committed to helping recovering veterans
  • Car donations accepted
  • Quick and easy pickup
  • Chapters throughout the USA
  • Accepts furniture, clothing and more


DOT#: N/A MC#: N/A


Charity Organizations





  • Helps with programs for work-experience and jobs
  • Stores are a great resource for those in need
  • Over 3,000 locations nationwide

Goodwill is one of the most popular and recognizable charities in the United States. With over 3,000 locations nationwide, it’s easy to find a branch to donate what you aren’t taking with you on your move.

Goodwill accepts both new and slightly-used household items, including clothing, children’s toys, and furniture. When you donate items, they get resold at a low price at Goodwill stores.

As with the other charities on our list, Goodwill can come to your place to pick up your furniture so you don’t have to drop anything off yourself.

  • Helps with programs for work-experience, education, and jobs
  • Stores are a great resource for those in need
  • Over 3,000 locations nationwide
  • Vetted and reputable charity
  • Easy and quick pickup


DOT#: N/A MC#: N/A


Charity Organizations




Habitat for Humanity

  • Flexible payment options
  • Flexible cancellation policy
  • Nationwide availability

Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to making life more affordable for people in need. In order to help their mission, they sell appliances, furniture, and other related building materials that have been donated to their branches.

As part of their mission, Habitat for Humanity has organized ReStores, independently-owned home-improvement stores that are operated by Habitat for Humanity organizations. Through their ReStores, you can find some high-quality building materials for a fraction of the cost you’ll find anywhere else.

  • ReStores are excellent resources for building supplies
  • Committed to their mission and to those in need
  • Easy and quick pickup
  • Accepts furniture, appliances, and building supplies
  • Operates programs to build homes for those in need


DOT#: N/A MC#: N/A


Charity Organizations




Purple Heart Foundation

  • Price matching
  • Personalized packages
  • Free quotes

The Purple Heart Foundation provides humanitarian services to disabled veterans and their households by offering free and affordable furniture. Aside from furniture, they also accept clothing and car donations.

As another organization committed to helping veterans, the Purple Heart Foundation can pick up your donation and use it for a good cause. They’re committed to helping wounded and recovering veterans, and they hold several different charity events for vets and their families.

  • Committed to helping recovering veterans
  • Car donations accepted
  • Quick and easy pickup
  • Organizes charity events
  • Accepts furniture, clothing and more


DOT#: N/A MC#: N/A


Charity Organizations

Tips to Prepare Your Donation

Once you’ve decided on what you’re donating and what you’re taking with you to your new place, it’s time to get in touch with the charity of your choice. But there’s a few steps you should take to keep things easy for pickup:

1. Leave Your Donated Items Outside

Charities can’t just walk into your home to pick up your donation. It’s a liability issue. Instead, it’s good idea to move your donation outside, or – in the event of poor weather – somewhere out of your home but still easy to get into, such as a garage.

2. Label Your Donation

If for some reason you’re going to be out of the house when your charity comes to pick up your donation, you should clearly mark the item (or items) as ready for donation. Leave the furniture somewhere easy to spot and easy to access, and provide a label that’s easy to read.

3. Communicate with Your Charity

You should take some extra time to get in touch with the charity of your choice before and after pickup. Call them beforehand to make sure they can accept your furniture, and get their specific requirements for pickup. If you want to be extra certain they got your donation, give them a call afterward to confirm everything went as planned.

Charity Organization FAQ

How can donating to charity make my move cheaper?

If you’re planning a move, we always recommend downsizing. Moving company charge either per pound or per hour, and having less stuff to move in the first place is a great way to reduce the price of your overall move. Giving unwanted furniture to charity is good for the community, but it also streamlines your move and reduces the overall cost of moving day.

Where can I donate my furniture?

A lot of local charities like Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, or Goodwill will accept like-new or slightly-used furniture – you just need to find a branch near you, and they can pick up your donation. You can also use apps like Nextdoor to find if anyone near you is interested in free furniture.

What charity is the best for furniture donation?

There are a lot of charities out there, and some may seem more trustworthy than others. It can also be difficult to haul your stuff to a donation center, so you’ll want to contact a charity that can come to you and take your donation off your hands. Fortunately, the charity organizations on our list are all vetted and verified, and they offer quick and easy furniture pickup.

What can’t I donate?

Every charity is different, but you’re usually not allowed to donate potentially dangerous items or pollutants like paint or chemicals. Kerosene or flammable liquids are also a no-go, and firearms, explosives, or other weapons are definitely not allowed (or legal to donate). To be extra sure, get in touch with your charity of choice to see what they want, and what they can’t accept.

How do charity stores operate?

Charity stores, such as Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity ReStores, all sell off donated items at steeply discounted prices. The money they make serves two important purposes: covering operations costs, and giving back to the community. Many charities have programs in place that help those in need find work, education, or job experience, and these programs can’t function without the money they get from reselling donated items.

Summing it all Up

If you’re planning a move, you’re planning a fresh start – and if you want the freshest start possible, why not start off with a simple move, a chance to buy yourself some new furniture, and some good karma to boot?

Charity organizations can pick up your donations and make moving day even easier. Get in touch with them today to schedule a pickup, and check back in with the team at Moving Feedback for more moving tips!